Technical translations


Since 2010, I have been providing customised translations in German, English and Spanish: technical and tailored to your specific requirements.

As a State-certified Translator (German university diploma) and member of the German Federal Association of Interpreters and Translators (BDÜ), I specialise in technical translations such as:


  • Mechanical, plant and equipment engineering

  • Documentation

  • Software

  • Quality management

  • HVAC

  • Joining technology

  • Packaging machines

  • Welding technology (pipe systems)

  • Steel construction

  • Outdoor, furniture

  • Robotics


The benefits of working with me:

My clients particularly appreciate that, while maintaining the quality of the source text, meeting agreed deadlines is always my top priority.
Before becoming a self-employed translator, I worked as a technical translator and technical writer, where I not only translated but also created detailed technical documentation. This experience allows me to provide you with comprehensive, high-quality translations tailored to your specific needs.
Apart from intensive (terminology) research, the use of translation memory software is an integral part of my work processes. I always work with the latest version of Trados Studio as my preferred CAT tool. Within the tool, my translations are organised by client and language combination, enabling me to deliver consistent translations across multiple files and projects, even when dealing with repetitions and fuzzy matches. This also ensures consistency in the spelling of individual words and expressions: e.g. switch cabinet door, switch-cabinet door or switching cabinet door? Partnering with me ensures consistent and precise terminology throughout your projects.


My rates:

During the initial file analysis, fuzzy matches are identified and calculated, allowing me to apply an immediate discount, as these segments don’t require full translation from scratch.
Therefore, the project price is based not on the total word count, but on the actual volume of new content that needs to be translated.




Ute A. Schulze Pröbsting

State-certified Translator for English and Spanish
(German university diploma)
Member of the German Federal Association of Interpreters and Translators (BDÜ)
Native speaker of German

My professional background:


since 2010

Self-employed as a translator and editor

2006 to 2010

Translator for English and Spanish as well as technical writer at Technical Concept GmbH in Dortmund, Germany


2000 to 2006

Honours degree in Translations for Spanish and English at Heidelberg University, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Germany


BA in Applied Languages studies at Dublin City University, Ireland

Translation and Interpreting studies at Universidad de Granada, Spain

1997 to 1998  
School at Colegio del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, Hermanas Bethlemitas, Pamplona, Colombia

Please feel free to contact me:

Ute A. Schulze Pröbsting

State-certified Translator


Dorfbauerschaft 12

48249 Dülmen



Tel: +49 (0)2590 3720-335





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